


K’s To Cure Cancer has one goal – to achieve a world without cancer. Every dollar you raise by being part of the K’s To Cure Cancer movement gets us one step closer to finding a cure.


Fundraising Tips

How to get the most out of your fundraising:


Set your fundraising goal
Demonstrate to your friends and family that you’re serious about fundraising for your challenge by setting a fundraising goal.  The higher your goal, the more support you’ll get – don’t be shy!

Be the first to donate
Show your commitment to your fundraising by making a donation to yourself…not only does this tell your supporters you’re committed to the challenge, you’ll set the benchmark for future donation amounts.

Remember to include a photo of yourself
People want to see who they are donating to. A picture tells a thousand words so find a great shot that your supporters can connect to.

Tell your story
Your supporters want to know WHY you’re joining the K’s To Cure Cancer movement.  What’s your connection to the cause? What difference are you hoping to make?  Your supporters are keen to  know – don’t be afraid to share your WHY.

Thank your donors
Every time you receive a donation, make a point of thanking your supporter.  Let them know their donation has been noticed and appreciated. Use social media to publicly thank your donors by posting a picture of them with a thank you message – it’s a great way to remind other people to donate.

If you hit your target, or your are close to reaching it – increase it
Your fundraising goal can change whenever you feel like it.  If you’re getting close to hitting your target don’t be afraid to increase your goal.  It will encourage your supporters to give more.

Spread the word - share your fundraising page on all your social media channels
People who share their fundraising page raise significantly more than those who don’t.  Use ALL your social media channels to tell people what you’re doing and why it means so much to you. Always include #KS2CURE to help spread the word. Don’t simply share your page once, keep doing it so as many of your followers as possible see your post.

Finally - Ask again!
People often need reminding, if you asked them once and they haven’t donated – ask again, they may have just forgotten and won’t begrudge a friendly reminder. Don’t be afraid to ask even after you’ve completed your challenge - almost 20% of donations come in after the challenge is over!